The SakuraMe collection is ERC1155 non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. There are 104 unique owners holding SakuraMe token. Current cheapest SakuraMe token costs Ξ0 ($0). The total sales volume for SakuraMe collection is Ξ0.1 ($322). Last 7 days there was 0 sales generating Ξ0 ($0) volume.
"SakuraMe" is a 396-piece NFT collection based on the concept of "Ukiyoe x Bishojo x Sakura". All of them are not generative, but single pictures. The works are generated by AI. War, pandemic, tragic events. May tender flowers bloom someday in the long winter that has not yet dawned... 『桜乙女』は「浮世絵 × 美少女 × 桜」をコンセプトにした396点のNFTコレクションです。ジェネラティブではなく全てが一枚画。作品はAIで生成されています。戦争、パンデミック、悲惨な事件。未だ明けない冬の時代に、いつか優しい花が開きますように…
SakuraMe was created in Mar 9, 2023.
There are currently 162 SakuraMe tokens in circulation.
The total sales volume for SakuraMe is Ξ 0.1 ($322)
There are 104 wallets holding NFTs in SakuraMe collection.
There are total supply of 162 SakuraMe tokens and 0 (0%) these are on sale on different NFT marketplaces.
SakuraMe smart contract 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e used erc1155 standard.