The Otherdeed for Otherside collection is ERC721 non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. There are 14828 unique owners holding Otherdeed for Otherside token. Current cheapest Otherdeed for Otherside token costs Ξ0.15 ($471). The total sales volume for Otherdeed for Otherside collection is Ξ679.5k ($2.1B). Last 7 days there was 0 sales generating Ξ76.74 ($241k) volume.
Otherdeed is the key to claiming land in Otherside. Each have a unique blend of environment and sediment — some with resources, some home to powerful artifacts. And on a very few, a Koda roams.
Otherdeed for Otherside was created in Apr 29, 2022.
There are currently 44906 Otherdeed for Otherside tokens in circulation.
Otherdeed for Otherside current floor price is Ξ 0.15 ($470.69)
The total sales volume for Otherdeed for Otherside is Ξ 679.5k ($2.1B)
Based on a floor price of Ξ 0.15 and a circulating supply of 44906, estimated market cap of Otherdeed for Otherside is Ξ 6731 ($21.1M)
There are 14828 wallets holding NFTs in Otherdeed for Otherside collection.
There are total supply of 44906 Otherdeed for Otherside tokens and 551 (1.2%) these are on sale on different NFT marketplaces.
Otherdeed for Otherside smart contract 0x34d85c9cdeb23fa97cb08333b511ac86e1c4e258 used erc721 standard.