The Meebits collection is ERC721 non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. There are 6403 unique owners holding Meebits token. Current cheapest Meebits token costs Ξ0.4 ($1228). The total sales volume for Meebits collection is Ξ245k ($754.1M). Last 7 days there was 0 sales generating Ξ63.58 ($195.7k) volume.
The Meebits are 20,000 unique 3D voxel characters, created by a custom generative algorithm, then registered on the Ethereum blockchain.
Meebits was created in Feb 9, 2022.
There are currently 19999 Meebits tokens in circulation.
Meebits current floor price is Ξ 0.399 ($1228.12)
The total sales volume for Meebits is Ξ 245k ($754.1M)
Based on a floor price of Ξ 0.4 and a circulating supply of 19999, estimated market cap of Meebits is Ξ 7980 ($24.6M)
There are 6403 wallets holding NFTs in Meebits collection.
There are total supply of 19999 Meebits tokens and 666 (3.3%) these are on sale on different NFT marketplaces.
Meebits smart contract 0x7bd29408f11d2bfc23c34f18275bbf23bb716bc7 used erc721 standard.