Lil Pudgys overview

Lil Pudgys overview

Release date: Feb 9, 2022

The Lil Pudgys collection is ERC721 non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. There are 9657 unique owners holding Lil Pudgys token. Current cheapest Lil Pudgys token costs Ξ1.12 ($3144). The total sales volume for Lil Pudgys collection is Ξ130.3k ($364.3M). Last 7 days there was 0 sales generating Ξ2625 ($7.3M) volume.

Lil Pudgys is a collection of 22,222 NFTs originating from Pudgy Penguins. Don’t let their small stature fool you, Lil Pudgys are an integral piece of the Pudgy Penguins history. Their story began during the most frigid of winters. In the midst of adversity, the birth of the Lil Pudgys helped spark new-life into the Pudgy Penguins community. With their unique traits and personalities, there’s a Lil Pudgy for everyone. Lil Pudgy holders receive exclusive access to experiences, events, IP licensing opportunities and more.

Lil Pudgys Statistics


Floor Price


Total Volume



Lil Pudgys Art

Lil Pudgys token
Lil Pudgys token
Lil Pudgys token
Lil Pudgys token

Lil Pudgys most asked questions

When was Lil Pudgys created?

Lil Pudgys was created in Feb 9, 2022.

How many Lil Pudgys tokens are there?

There are currently 21902 Lil Pudgys tokens in circulation.

What is current floor price of Lil Pudgys token?

Lil Pudgys current floor price is Ξ 1.125 ($3144.22)

How much total volume has Lil Pudgys done?

The total sales volume for Lil Pudgys is Ξ 130.3k ($364.3M)

What is the market cap of Lil Pudgys?

Based on a floor price of Ξ 1.12 and a circulating supply of 21902, estimated market cap of Lil Pudgys is Ξ 24.6k ($68.9M)

How many holders are collecting the Lil Pudgys?

There are 9657 wallets holding NFTs in Lil Pudgys collection.

How many Lil Pudgys tokens are on sale?

There are total supply of 21902 Lil Pudgys tokens and 772 (3.5%) these are on sale on different NFT marketplaces.

What type of contract did Lil Pudgys use?

Lil Pudgys smart contract 0x524cab2ec69124574082676e6f654a18df49a048 used erc721 standard.