The Dreadfulz collection is ERC721 non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. There are 1709 unique owners holding Dreadfulz token. Current cheapest Dreadfulz token costs Ξ0 ($7.86). The total sales volume for Dreadfulz collection is Ξ182.3k ($511.9M). Last 7 days there was 0 sales generating Ξ0 ($3.93) volume.
73.82% Staked Holder count on Opensea is incorrect due to staking contract Stake & Earn $DREAD: 7,777 Dreadfulz have inked their name in fealty to the Grand Inquisitor. Bound by avarice, lustful for $DREAD.
Dreadfulz was created in Mar 31, 2022.
There are currently 7777 Dreadfulz tokens in circulation.
Dreadfulz current floor price is Ξ 0.003 ($7.86)
The total sales volume for Dreadfulz is Ξ 182.3k ($511.9M)
Based on a floor price of Ξ 0 and a circulating supply of 7777, estimated market cap of Dreadfulz is Ξ 21.78 ($61.2k)
There are 1709 wallets holding NFTs in Dreadfulz collection.
There are total supply of 7777 Dreadfulz tokens and 36 (0.5%) these are on sale on different NFT marketplaces.
Dreadfulz smart contract 0x81ae0be3a8044772d04f32398bac1e1b4b215aa8 used erc721 standard.