DeGods overview

DeGods overview

Release date: Mar 30, 2023

The DeGods collection is ERC721 non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. There are 1366 unique owners holding DeGods token. Current cheapest DeGods token costs Ξ0.6 ($1673). The total sales volume for DeGods collection is Ξ173.4k ($484.4M). Last 7 days there was 0 sales generating Ξ45.74 ($127.7k) volume.

A collection of degenerates, punks, and misfits. Gods of the metaverse & masters of our own universe.

DeGods Statistics


Floor Price


Total Volume



DeGods Art

DeGods token
DeGods token
DeGods token
DeGods token

DeGods most asked questions

When was DeGods created?

DeGods was created in Mar 30, 2023.

How many DeGods tokens are there?

There are currently 3844 DeGods tokens in circulation.

What is current floor price of DeGods token?

DeGods current floor price is Ξ 0.599 ($1672.97)

How much total volume has DeGods done?

The total sales volume for DeGods is Ξ 173.4k ($484.4M)

What is the market cap of DeGods?

Based on a floor price of Ξ 0.6 and a circulating supply of 3844, estimated market cap of DeGods is Ξ 2303 ($6.4M)

How many holders are collecting the DeGods?

There are 1366 wallets holding NFTs in DeGods collection.

How many DeGods tokens are on sale?

There are total supply of 3844 DeGods tokens and 123 (3.2%) these are on sale on different NFT marketplaces.

What type of contract did DeGods use?

DeGods smart contract 0x8821bee2ba0df28761afff119d66390d594cd280 used erc721 standard.